The Gospel According to Romans - Living Under Grace 2: Grace Trumps Sin

Series: Living Under Grace

Preacher: Alan Cameron

Verses: Romans 5:12-21


This is one of the more difficult passages of Paul’s letter to the Romans: a series of running contrasts between acts of Adam and the acts of Christ and their respective consequences. N.T. Wright aptly describes it as ‘after the measured sentences of the first eleven verses of chapter five, verses 12-21 is like turning from Rembrandt to Picasso.’ Much of the language is new to the argument of Romans, and the style changes from the exhortation of vv1-11 to the resumption or argumentation in vv12-21. Moreover, Paul starts something in v12, gets side tracked in verse 13 like most preachers and only resumes the argument in v18. That said, the passage is crucial for a robust understanding of sin. However, sin is no match for the person and work of Christ, depicted as the second Adam...

Coming Under Grace - Part 5: A Change of Heart

Preacher: Alan Cameron

Series: Coming Under Grace

Verses: Romans 12:12-29

Paul levels the playing field in respect of God’s evaluation of religious and non-religious people; in this instance Jew and Gentile. He introduces the concept of the law, whether in written form by way of the Torah, i.e. law of Moses for the Jew, or conscience for the Gentile. In itself the law has no ability to save. The gospel, to which the law points, is the means of salvation. Verses 12 to 16 argue that the law is an impartial standard of judgement, illustrating the principle “For God does not show favouritism”...

Coming Under Grace - Part 4: The Patience of God

Preacher: Alan Cameron

Series: Coming Under Grace

Verses: Romans 2:1-11

Paul was no arm-chair theologian. A pioneer missionary, he was a man of action, first and foremost a preacher of the gospel, particularly among the unevangelized. His special calling was to preach the gospel to the gentiles. Remarkably however, Paul puts the Jews (read religious people) in the same needful situation as pagan gentiles. All are under sin, all need the remedy provided by the saving work of Christ...